APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! THEiA Care Excellence Programme

As we near the launch of THEiA (Trauma, Health, Education International Academy) we are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the first two Care Excellence Programmes being held in November and December 2024.

To find out more about THEiA and the Care Excellence Programme, please see flyers below for more details…

THEiA – Introduction Flyer v3 FINAL

THEiA – Care Excellence Programme Flyer v3 FINAL

If you are a carer interested in attending this course, or a practitioner who would like to nominate a carer who you believe would benefit from the programme then please email [email protected] for more details and a booking form.

This course is currently only available to UK carers and will be offered Worldwide from 2025.

THEiA – ‘Shining a light on best practice’

Handbook of Therapeutic Life Story Work: The Rose Model – Publication NEWS!

It is with great pleasure, and excitement, to share with you that the book Handbook of Therapeutic Life Story Work – The Rose Model written by Karla Burley and Suzanne McGladdery was released for Publication on Thursday, 9th May 2024.
See flyer below for more information and how to order your copy!  Limited copies will be available to purchase at the TLSWi Conference in June.
Handbook of TLSW Rose Model – 9th May 2024

Student Representatives

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Monthly TLSWi Community Drop In Sessions

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Alumni Workshops 2024 – TLSWi Alumni offer a range of workshops for your continued professional development

TLSW Storytelling Workshop with Ruth Kirkpatrick
An opportunity to explore ways to use oral, traditional storytelling in your TLSW practice. Learn how storytelling can benefit your work, enhancing a trusting relationship, building emotional literacy and whilst developing skills in problem solving and empathy.  Watch this space for future dates for this workshop.

Developing Your Therapeutic Life Story Work Tool Kit to Meet the Needs of the Child
These short online practical workshops have been designed to support the development of additional TLSW Tools, with the individual needs of the child and differentiation in mind.There are three individual workshops to attend, or receive a discount if attending all three!  See flyer below for more information, dates, cost and how to book your place… Watch this space for future dates for this workshop.

Certificate in Therapeutic Life Story Work Supervision
This new course delivered by Karla Burley and Jenny Chigwende is aimed at those who have completed the Professional Diploma in TLSW and would like to become a TLSW Supervisor.  Places are limited on this course, therefore early booking is advised. Watch this space for the next course coming soon!

Local Authority (& Fostering Agencies) TLSW Supervision Course
This new course has been created for those supporting team/staff members who have attended or are attending Professor Richard Rose TLSW Advanced Certificate 6-Day Course.

This course has been specifically designed and developed, endorsed by Professor Richard Rose, to inform you and offer you the insight, understanding of TLSW and to learn the TLSW skills and techniques so that you can support your team through their learning process of TLSW effectively and safely. This will enhance their practice from their learning on the 6-day TLSW Advanced Certificate course.See flyer below for full details, dates and how to reserve your place!  Watch this space for future dates for this workshops

Making eBooks in Therapeutic Life Story Work
Join Suzanne McGladdery for this short workshop on how Canva and Book Creator can be used for making story books in TLSW, including audio eBooks which can be of benefit for children with complex needs.
Watch this space for the next course coming soon!

Creating Therapeutic Stories – 3 day course
Places are limited on this 3-day course presented by Suzanne McGladdery and Karla Burley.  The course aims to provide a framework for ‘Creating Therapeutic Stories’. For further details and dates for Autumn 2024 take a look at the flyer…  Fee discounted from £390 to £375 !
CTS Flyer Autumn 2024

Writing Up Your Therapeutic Life Story Work Books
Join Suzanne McGladdery on this online workshop on how to write up TLSW books.  See flyer for details and dates for 2024… Places still available on 4th December 2024!
Writing up your TLSW books – Flyer 2024

Becoming an Independent Life Story Worker
Suzanne McGladdery is providing a short course around becoming an Independent TLSW Worker, offering advice in setting up independent practice.   See flyer for details and dates for 2024.
Places still available on 14th November 2024.
Becoming Independent Flyer 2024



Hazel Nicholls & Richard Rose Podcast – Tomás Saraceno: spiders and webs as metaphors for connection and attachment

It is always amazing to be able to support young people as they reach their dreams.  Hazel has completed a major part of her third year Fine Arts Degree dissertation with this podcast.

If you are interested in spider webs and attachment click the link below to have a listen. I am very honoured to have been involved.

If it has held your interest, please let Hazel know as she can have feedback for her final paper.

Richard Rose,
Founder & Director, TLSWi

Stream Podcast – Tomás Saraceno:spiders and webs as metaphors for connection and attachment by Hazel Nicholls | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Tomás Saraceno: Webs of At-tent(s)ion. 2018

Tomás Saraceno: Free the Air. 2022

Tomás Saraceno: The Cosmic Dust. 2014

Podcast created by Will Sadler,  AnyaMedia


LAST CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work starting in September 2024

We have received some wonderful testimonials from those students who have completed their 12 days of learning in June….
“This has by far been the most valuable training I have completed since qualifying as a social worker 16 years ago.  Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge, it’s been amazing and I am looking forward to continuing this journey”

“I have never attended a training that is so rich and interesting, and so useable!”

“Thank you Richard and all the trainers, such an amazing course and I really am looking forward to continuing my TLSW journey with children and adults.  A wonderful course and opportunity!”

“Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and personal experiences.  This course has been one of the best I have ever been on.  I will use this knowledge and resources for ever more”

If you want to be part of the TLSWi community, please email [email protected] for more information on the Rose Model and how to become a Certified Practitioner in Therapeutic Life Story Work.

Closing date for applications – Friday 9th August 2024

Deakin University, Melbourne Research in the Rose Model of TLSW 2022
“The research has shown us that TLSW strengthens the
attachment of a child to a primary care giver, which then
supports improvement in peer relationships, education
outcomes, reduction in trauma symptoms experienced,
reduction of high risk behaviours, improves mental health
and wellbeing and overall, a greater sense of identity”
Dr James Lucas 2022

TLSWuk is now on Social Media!

TLSWuk is the newly formed UK branch of TLSWi, and we are now on social media.
You can find us at TLSWuk on twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
Please look us up and follow!


Research evidence underpinning the Rose Model in Therapeutic Life Story Work

Therapeutic Life Story Work International is excited to be able to share the recent research paper that has taken place in Australia by Deakin University evidencing that the Rose Model in TLSW supports our practice and purpose.  

The overall report has exceeded our expectations, however we are delighted with the conclusion, and recommendation of the advantages and effectiveness of applying the Rose Model in TLSW, and the long-term impact that TLSW has on children and young people.

Please click the link below to access the full report…


Short Life Story Video

Kendra Morris Jacobson oversees the Oregon Post Adoption Resource Centre (ORPARC).  Kendra has put together a short video about Life Story Work, click the link below to watch…..